Westleigh Homes, a building company based in Leicester has applied to build 67 homes on the former Northam Brickyard site adjacent to Eye Nature Reserve. In the new Local Plan, this has been increased to 55 but is nearly double what was recommended in the original 2011 Site Allocation Development Plan Document. The plan includes 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms homes including a number of social rented (shared ownership or other) homes. From their website, “Westleigh Homes build modern contemporary new homes across the UK from our base in Leicestershire. We design homes & specifications with the modern lifestyle in mind.”
Peterborough City Council Site Allocation DPD recommended 35 homes for the site
This will be the second time the site has entered through the planning process. O&H applied for planning permission for 55 homes in 2014. Further information here. The council refused the plan at the time due to:
- It would bring built development closer to a Site of Local Nature Conservation Importance and as a consequence would be detrimental to the habitat it provides and its biodiversity.
The proposed development extends beyond the area allocated (site Reference SA5.4) for residential use under Planning Policy SA5 of the Peterborough Site Allocations DPD 2012.
Related links
Westleigh Homes
Original Planning application for 55 homes
Original Secretary of State application
This planning application for even more houses will destroy the nature reserve and also the lives of many people living in Eye Green.
The respite traffic wise that the bypass gave us has already been lost. Traffic thunders at speed down Crowland Road, breaking hard at the congestion around the roundabout leading to Pershore Way. It is at times almost impossible to cross and cars regularly veer off the road avoiding speed bumps or parked cars and we are often drenched by the flooded areas as the drains cannot cope. There will be accidents, the road cannot cope!
More houses where drains already cannot cope, sewage recently flooded many properties and I personally get water flooding my garage as my property is lower This is all due to the higher road surface the speed bumps and the properties built near the nature reserve opposite Newstead close which cause many problems… please please do not make the same mistakes again.
The nature reserve is precious to many, I walk there twice a day with my dogs seeing the geese, swans, coots kingfishers, mandarin and Muscovy ducks and so much more. It is also a place to contemplate and relax and meet friends which has helped me through very dark dark times. Then you want to destroy it , I’m devastated ..the noise of construction, the potential run off from so many houses which could contain anything. The noise from potentially several hundreds of people and many vehicles , the rubbish and the car fumes why was it ever considered for 34 houses let alone 67.
The school is full, the doctors are full and you are already pressing for hundreds more houses in Eye village… the affluent villages with influential property owners just say no and you don’t build there….
please do not allow this development.