Council tax 2019-20 – What’s it mean for you?

At a full council meeting on Wednesday 13 March, 2019 Peterborough City Council approved an increase to council tax by 2.99 per cent. Police and Crime Commissioner is rising by 12 per cent and the fire authority by three per cent.

What does this mean for Eye residents?

Band D residences will be paying an extra £64.98 this year. Eye also has the Parish precept. This is charged on each property in the parish to fund the running costs of the parish council and the activities it takes on behalf of the village. This year that is £35.49 for a band D property which will raise £54,750 for the Parish Council. Eye still remains pretty much in the middle of the table with regards the cost of the precept, with villages such as Souththorpe (£8.36) and Orton Loungueville (£10.93) towards the lower end of the scale and Wittering (£65.36) and Castor (£88) the most expensive. The largest increases in the precept by per cent are Bretton with 73.8% and Thorney by 24.8%

Continue reading “Council tax 2019-20 – What’s it mean for you?”

Rhubarb Bridge Roadworks (A15/A47 Junction)

Looking east toward the slip road off the A47

Work is continuing on the Rhubarb Bridge roundabout. Lanes closures have meant long delays on both the A15 and along the A47 towards Eye, especially during rush hour. The £5.5 million pound project includes adding extra lanes as well as pedestrian crossings and improved lighting. Continue reading “Rhubarb Bridge Roadworks (A15/A47 Junction)”

Is it about time the village got some proper CCTV?

Over the past few years, crime has been on the increase, although realistically it’s still pretty low in comparison to the city environment. Due to cuts in policing many rural locations can feel forgotten or ignored. With widespread CCTV across the city, villages are easy targets. Eye is now a large village of over 4,500 residents and growing. Continue reading “Is it about time the village got some proper CCTV?”

The big car park sell off?

Station car park, south – at risk of development

Do you commute by car into Peterborough?

If you do it’s going to become a lot more difficult to park over the coming years. With a growing city, the council is concerned that increasing numbers road vehicles will lead to longer travel times and higher air pollution. One of the ways the council is hoping to control this is by making it difficult to park in the centre so residents will have to use public transport or an alternative method to access the centre. For some areas of the city, especially those on the Citi bus routes this may be less of a problem but not everywhere has such easy access to public transport. Selling council owned car parks also raises funds for the council.

The 2011 census for the village said that only 80 (3.7%) travel to work by bus, but 1,607 (73.4%) travel by car or van. While there is a good cycle path between Parnwell and the city centre the section between Eye and Parnwell is a narrow footpath along a busy road, and not really fit for purpose. We can only hope that one day there will be a proper cycleway and footpath along this section.

Continue reading “The big car park sell off?”

Planning application for new Supermarket at Peterborough One Retail Park

Planning permission has been sort for a new supermarket on land just to the east of Peterborough One Retail Park. The multi-million-pound store will cover approximately 1,300 feet and create up to 50 additional jobs. See the planning application here. Continue reading “Planning application for new Supermarket at Peterborough One Retail Park”

Peterborough has the worse Key Stage 2 results in England

SATS are used to measure children’s progress, but the results are also used to compare schools. Figures released by the Department for Education and Standards and Testing Agency show the city was ranked 149 out of 149 for the 2018 Key Stage 2 results! The tables show that just 49 per cent of boys and 55 per cent of girls in the city hit the expected standard. Both of these are the lowest figures in the country. Continue reading “Peterborough has the worse Key Stage 2 results in England”

Update: Eyebury Road development

LP39.8 Tanholt Farm,

Click for full size versionLarkfleet Homes have come up with a proposal for the area of land to the east of Eye behind the Primary School. The proposed development will include up to 280  homes with access to the site from Eyebury Road, this is 30 more homes than specified in the Local Submission Plan.

Not to be taken lightly this is one of the largest single estates added to the village in its history.

The proposals also include additional land (around 0.8 hectares – total area of the new development is around 13 hectares) and a new access point for the school. The additional land would be paid for from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL*), which Larkfleet Homes would need to pay. According to Larkfleet this is likely to be in excess of one million pounds for the estate. Continue reading “Update: Eyebury Road development”