AMVC school bus

Earlier in the year, it was reported that the bus travel for Year 11 pupils to Arthur Mellows Village college would be removed to save money and pupils would have to catch the bus into Queensgate and back out to Glinton.

The story starts in 2006 and the error made in 2006 making Deacons Academy the main school for Eye. The academy was subsequently oversubscribed which has meant that a number of pupils still have to go to Arthur Mellows anyway. At the time Cllr John Bartlett, who represented Eye and Thorney on Peterborough City Council, added: “The whole thing is a nightmare and mistakes have been made.” Parents at the time were not too impressed neither, for more on that story click here.

The outcome of this is one set of buses goes to Deacons and another to Arthur Mellows when there just used to be buses to Arthur Mellows. Of course, this is costing a lot of money, the long term plan would have been to phase out the Arthur Mellows buses but as pupils are still going there this isn’t going to happen anytime soon so the council has found a way to save money by removing bus access for Year 11 pupils.

Whether this is fair or not I’ll leave you to decide, the situation is being ‘monitored’ Cllr Holditch has said.