Latest statistics for the year 2023/24 show Peterborough has the highest levels of flytipping ever recorded. The city remains in the top 25 in the country, and in sixth place outside London for incidents per 1000 people, and this is out of nearly 300 local authorities. Statistics published by Peterborough City Council showed that April 2024 was the worse month on record with 1085 incidents reported. The city is also the worse location for flytipping in the East of England, so the situation is pretty dire, it wasn’t always like this though. But let’s have a deeper dive into the stats.
From April 2023 to March 2024 the stats show there were 10,128 incidents recorded in Peterborough but only 102 fines specifically for fly tipping and six prosecutions, that is tiny in proportion to the size of the problem. There are some very useful charts on the Local Government website. The stats also show that the council spent nearly £110K cleaning up after flytippers, possibly much more. Remember it’s your council tax that is paying to clean up after these criminals.
Please note that this is just fly tips on local authority land, it does not generally include fly tips on private land, the large-scale incidents dealt with by the Environment Agency and those that go unreported, so in reality the figure will be much higher. Across England in the same time period there were over one million incidents recorded, with London seeing some of the worse levels of fly tipping in the UK.
Place | Year | Local Authority name | Region | Total Incidents | Incidents per 1,000 people |
1 | 2023-24 | City of London | London | 2315 | 171.97 |
2 | 2023-24 | Camden | London | 34786 | 157.47 |
3 | 2023-24 | Hackney | London | 33464 | 127.10 |
4 | 2023-24 | Westminster | London | 25531 | 120.71 |
5 | 2023-24 | Nottingham | East Midlands | 30511 | 92.66 |
6 | 2023-24 | Lewisham | London | 27599 | 92.39 |
7 | 2023-24 | Hounslow | London | 27241 | 92.12 |
8 | 2023-24 | Croydon | London | 35470 | 89.18 |
9 | 2023-24 | Brent | London | 27023 | 78.44 |
10 | 2023-24 | Boston | East Midlands | 5500 | 77.07 |
11 | 2023-24 | Merton | London | 16116 | 74.88 |
12 | 2023-24 | Southwark | London | 22912 | 72.62 |
13 | 2023-24 | Hammersmith and Fulham | London | 11877 | 63.79 |
14 | 2023-24 | Haringey | London | 16508 | 62.79 |
15 | 2023-24 | Newham | London | 19629 | 54.14 |
16 | 2023-24 | Newcastle-upon-Tyne | North East | 15874 | 50.88 |
17 | 2023-24 | Redcar and Cleveland | North East | 6983 | 50.62 |
18 | 2023-24 | Kensington and Chelsea | London | 7153 | 48.51 |
19 | 2023-24 | Pendle | North West | 4646 | 47.88 |
20 | 2023-24 | Harrow | London | 12609 | 47.86 |
21 | 2023-24 | Peterborough | East | 10128 | 46.14 |
22 | 2023-24 | Greenwich | London | 13516 | 45.96 |
23 | 2023-24 | Ealing | London | 16828 | 44.83 |
24 | 2023-24 | Luton | East | 10194 | 44.12 |
25 | 2023-24 | Southampton | South East | 10948 | 42.75 |
Looking at the chart below you will see the number of flytips across Peterborough has doubled in 10 years, no wonder so many people are frustrated by the sheer amount we see on our streets. And the trend is still upwards. Add this to the increases in litter and graffiti you see why the country is starting to look like a society on the decline.

Out of the three parishes in our ward Newborough has more of an acute problem with flytipping than Eye and Thorney but all are impacted. Virtually all of this flytipping comes from homes in the city of Peterborough, not from the villages themselves.
NFU Vice President Rachel Hallos said: ““The scale of waste crime is staggering, with nearly a fifth of all waste – an estimated 34 million tons – being handled illegally every year.”
The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) said that nearly two thirds of landowners and farmers have been impacted by flytipping. Regional Director Ann Maidment commented: “Fly-tipping is a crime that’s blighting rural communities, with incidents on private land going unrecorded on a mass scale.”
So why has it got so bad?
Here are some of the main reasons why it has gotten worse:
Increased waste disposal costs: The rising cost of legitimate waste disposal has pushed some people to take the cheaper route by illegally dumping their waste, a bit more about that below. Fees for using council-run waste sites, especially for large or commercial waste, have increased over time. Some individuals and businesses may opt for fly-tipping as a way to avoid these costs.
Lack of enforcement: Although fly-tipping is illegal, enforcement has been weak. Austerity meant local authorities took their eye off the ball, diverting money into other services and being reactive in regards fly tipping but not proactive. Additionally fines or penalties may not always be sufficient to deter offenders, especially when it is difficult to catch those responsible and courts see it as a low level crime so do not punish appropriately. It’s also expensive taking fly tippers to courts although councils can claim some of those costs back. In fact the according the the Countryside Alliance fly-tipping statistics for England for 2023-24, showed a 6% rise in dumping incidents but fixed penalty notices fell by 5%, and court fines also fell by 8%.
Poor public awareness and lack of accountability: Some people may not realise the environmental and legal implications of fly-tipping. Others may feel that their actions won’t be noticed, especially if they dump waste in remote areas. Additionally, there’s a general lack of responsibility among certain sectors of society when it comes to proper waste disposal. Some probably just don’t care as long as the money is in their pocket.
Increased urbanisation and population growth: The expansion of urban areas and population growth can lead to more waste being generated. As more people move into cities and towns, there may not be enough accessible or convenient waste management services to meet demand, or sites may not have the capacity to deal with that growth leading some individuals to dump waste illegally. And increase in rental properties has also been linked to the increases in fly tipping.
Facebook groups are awash with waste removal advertisements. Always confirm their license to operate. The rise of online services and “man with a van”: Many people use informal services, like “man with a van” companies, to remove waste. While some of these services are licensed and legitimate businesses, there are many fly-by-night operators who undercut the legal operators for waste removal and then illegally dump it, leaving their clients unaware of the law-breaking. You’ve only got to look at the cities Market Facebook groups to see many companies advertising a waste removal service.
Lack of proper disposal facilities with enough capacity to deal with growing cities: In more rural parts of the UK, there may be limited access to waste disposal facilities. This could make fly-tipping an attractive option for those living outside urban areas where regular waste collection services might be less available or harder to access. To save money cash strapped councils can make it more difficult to dispose of waste, not easier.
Environmental changes and attitudes: There’s been a general decline in respect for the environment and local communities. Social attitudes around waste and environmental protection may not always encourage responsibility, and people might feel less connected to their surroundings, leading to a higher tolerance for illegal dumping.
A lack of infrastructure: In some places, there simply aren’t enough facilities or services to handle waste properly, and people are left with few choices. This can include inadequate recycling services, not enough skips for large items, or limited access to appropriate waste disposal services.
So what happened?
In 2007 the Countryside Alliance was already warning that the already high levels of fly-tipping across the UK may reach “epidemic proportions” thanks to the ever increasing cost of landfill tax. Landfill tax itself was introduced in 1996 under the Conservative government of the time to encourage waste producers and the waste management industry to switch to more sustainable alternatives for disposing of material. A negative side affect of course has been the increase in flytipping as people either won’t pay the higher costs to get waste removed properly or pay an illegal carrier who does it cheap and flytips the waste. In 1996 when it was introduced the tax had a standard rate of £7 per ton, from April 2025 it will have a big increase to £126.15 ton, and it continues to increase year on year. You can find full details here. It does make you wonder the logic of such an increase at time when levels of flytipping are at an all time high.

What can be done?
Addressing the increases fly-tipping (and litter) in the UK requires a multi-faceted approach, including stricter enforcement, better public awareness campaigns, and improved waste management infrastructure. All that’s been lacking for many years. It’s a problem that involves not just individuals but also government bodies, businesses, and communities working together to find sustainable solutions. Like littering the problem has become so large it’s going to be difficult to put it ‘back in the bottle’ but doing nothing is not an option. What is needed is more investment and more campaigning including naming and shaming of those found guilty of fly tipping.
As individuals it’s important that we check any waste carrier has a license to remove our waste which you can do here: Even builders need a license if they are transferring waste from your home during any work. More on the Eye Parish Council website. Flytipping can be reported via Fixmystreet. Additionally if you see or suspect or see someone flytipping you can report it via the same app.
Peterborough City Council has set up a task and finish group to look into the issue of fly tipping across the city. This isn’t the first time the council has done this and you can see the results of the previous group here. They have also increased the fine they can hand out to the maximum allowed by the government but still more needs to be done.
Independent Review Committee (IRC) on Debris is a group that has been setup by volunteers. The group aims is to work closely with Peterborough City Council by analysing data, identifying issues and subsequently proposing strategies and solutions.
Less reports and more actions as below please Peterborough City Council.
See out previous coverage of flytipping here.
- Peterborough City Council
- Fly-tipping statistics for England
- What to do if you’re a victim of… fly-tipping
- Countryside Alliance
- Independent Review Committee
- Peterborough Litter Wombles
- Peterborough is East of England’s fly-tipping hotspot (Peterborough Matters)
- Farming in the region’s fly-tipping hotspot (NFU Online)
- City has region’s highest rate of fly-tipping (BBC)
- Fly-tipping taskforce to be introduced by council (BBC)
Any of the charts on this page are free for anyone to use in regards the impact of flytipping.